From the Chairman

Over the last 25 years, Mascom Composite Ltd has successfully evolved as one of the most efficient one-stop knit composite garment sourcing destinations for buyers operating in international markets. With its exemplary professionalism in delivering quality, timely delivery, and competitive prices, all under the umbrella of responsible manufacturing and sustainability, Mascom has truly set itself apart. Throughout the years, Mascom has weathered global market volatilities resulting from the historic dissolution of MFA and several recessions. By embracing a collaborative approach and learning to build windmills instead of walls when faced with strong winds, Mascom has thrived. We believe in the power of business as a professional cooperation and love to share the benefits with all our partners in the value chain and the society we operate in. Our sincere goal is to build a better tomorrow, starting from today.

Shams Uddin Ahmed, 
Chairman Mascom Group